Mehriban tərəfindən "Digər yazılar" bolməsinə 02:54 22 fevral 2015 tarixində əlavə olunmuşdur

Məndən olsa,şair olardım, klassik musiqiyə, birdə hard rocka qulaq asardım. Özümə xas tərz yaradıb fərqlilik yaradardım. Çantamda yasaqlanmış kitablar, cibimdə kagız qələm şəhəri dolaşardım. Özümə ilham axtarıb, agır dram hekayələri yazardım. Damda oturub siqaret çəkər, günəşi tüstülərlə yola salar, gecə şəhərin mənzərəsiylə xəyallara dalardım. Həyatımdan hərkəsi çıxardıb, yanlızlığımın dadını çıxarardım. Hərşeyimlə qəribə birisi olardım, insanların başa düşməyə başı çatmadığı biri. Yazar olardım, bukovski kimi yada başqa cür... Olardım. Məndən olsaydı. ..

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Şərh yaz
Annette Kiley
[17 may 2020 01:54]
Log into: https://bit.ly/exercisefitnessandhealth Free to all who need it - and everyone does need it. My Blog explains all you need to know about exercise - what it involves, how it is measured, how much you should take, the effect on health and lifespan and the great improvement in quality of life which regular physical activity brings Sign up and I will send you a weekly update
Vickey Kowalski
[24 may 2020 23:58]
Need a unique, personalized gift for the man in your life and his mancave? How about a photograph about something of interest to him. Visit https://bit.ly/photogeographics and start your search at humor and unusual/humor and continue to 22 other categories. Prices start at $25 and use discount code MC20 for a 20% discount at checkout.
Trevor Orchard
[01 iyul 2020 01:12]
Boda Medical USA would like to present the 5-Ply KN95 Mask- Visit website https://bit.ly/bodamedicalusa for more information. Or Use Coupon Code 'PRO10' for 10% additional discount with free ground shipping from US warehouse directly.
Toni Witcher
[12 dekabr 2020 21:19]
Hi I had already sent you an email earlier, but I had not received any answers yet. I have a question, i see a lot of products in this shop I have made a screenshot of some products, https://screenshot.photos/item2343 that you also sell in your store. But there items are 47% cheaper, well my question is what is the difference between your webshop ,is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question. Sincerely Toni Witcher "Sent from my Phone"
Anglea Gaunson
[18 sentyabr 2021 18:27]
Hi I have a question, i see a lot of products in this store that you also sell in your site, But there products are 45% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the item, so you can see for your self. https://screenshot-product.photo/website. Well my question is what is the difference between your store. Is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question. Yours sincerely Anglea Gaunson "Sent from my iPhone"
Geneva Staton
[20 oktyabr 2021 18:03]
Hey I have a question, i see a lot of items on this site that you also sell in your store, But there items are 46% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the product, so you can see for your self. https://screenshot-product.photo/4899. Well my question is what is the difference between your store. Is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question. Regards Geneva Staton "Sent from my iPhone"
Lance Serle
[28 noyabr 2021 10:31]
Hey I have a question, i see a lot of items in a shop that you also sell in your store, But there products are 46% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the product, so you can see for your self. https://screenshot-product.photo/456325. Well my question is what is the difference between your shop. Is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question. Sincerely Lance Serle "Sent from my iPhone"
Chelsea Hernandez
[13 noyabr 2024 00:14]
Hi there Are daily tasks getting in the way of scaling your business? At 5C Virtual Assistance, we have spent 6+ years helping businesses like yours save hours each week and cut operational costs by as much as 70%. Our expert virtual assistants take over your routine tasks so you can focus on strategic growth. Why industry leaders choose 5C Virtual Assistance: • Cost-effective: + Premium support at just $9/hour – a fraction of the cost of hiring locally + Flexibility: Scale support up or down based on your evolving needs + Experience: 6+ years in multiple industries + No overhead: Zero training, benefits, or office space costs + Time-zone aligned: Seamless workflow integration with your team Our VAs excel in: - Administrative Support - Customer Service - Data Entry & Management - Calendar & Email Management - Social Media Management - Research & Reporting Imagine what you could achieve with an extra 20-30 hours freed up each week. Our clients typically report: + 40% increase in productivity + 25% improvement in customer response times + 15+ hours saved weekly on administrative tasks Looking to streamline your workflow? Book a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your needs. Reply to this email or call us at [phone number]. -- Visit: https://bit.ly/5cvaservices Best regards, Chelsea Hernandez 5C Virtual Assistance https://bit.ly/5cvaservices P.S. Did you know? Switching to virtual assistance saves businesses an average of $3,000 monthly. Let’s discuss how we can deliver similar results for you.
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