The more I see of my country, the more I love it
Aykan Hüseynli tərəfindən "Esse" bolməsinə 14:12 08 yanvar 2015 tarixində əlavə olunmuşdur

I love my country so much. I have never been in Turkey, in America, in Canada and others. But I know about them, about their cities, their society, their life style, their livings and so on. I know these from internet and television. I like them which I enumerated examples of the above. But everything is not consisted from only them. In some countries peoples killed each other, innocents, babies, olds. Cities are collapses and everyone suffer from all these things. For example, in Pakistan, in Palestinian and some other countries peoples can’t go out, can’t walk on the street. Some children can’t go to school. Some of them don’t have any parents. They lose their fathers, brothers and at the end lose their own life. This is terrible.

But in our country there is no fight, no terrorism. This is happiness. We must thanks for God for all these things. We have parent, we can go to school, we live in peace. And because of all these things I love my country very much. The more I see of my country, the more I love it…  

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Qiymət: 10/10(2 səs)
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Aykan Hüseynli
Bakı Slavyan Universitetinin ingilis dili müəlliməliyi ixtisasını bitirmişəm. Yazı yazmağa həvəsim çoxdu. Amma biraz tənbəl olmağım bu işi reallaşdırmağıma mane olur. Əsasən hansısa əsəri tərcümə etməyi, qeyri-adi yerlər haqqında yazı yazmağı xoşlayıram..
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