The Victim of the Future
Aykan Hüseynli tərəfindən "" bolməsinə 19:14 29 yanvar 2014 tarixində əlavə olunmuşdur

Sometimes it happens that, the others manage your life. It mustn't be allowed. If you lost in fight, you must finish the film...

-Today Holy Sirius will inform the coming of the New Year. And tomorrow will be simply ordinary day for you. You will go to the forest, bring the wood for the kin.

-Thank you, Great Priest, for the giving information about my future.

The representative of the kin leaved the priest's huddle. His son was waiting for him as always and he asked his usual question:

-Dad, what had happened?

-Nothing, son, tomorrow I'll work in the forest.

-No, dad. The weather is so cold. It is impossible to climb the mountain with this snow.

-Oooo, shut up! If Priest told it, therefore, I can do it. He said also that, today New Year is beginning. Holy Sirius will inform it.


-Yeah. Also, today you are already fourteen-years-old boy. You can learn everything about your future from today.

-I don't want!

-What? What are you speaking? Don't sin! You'll damned! Great Priest is very holy man. I remember his coming to our kin. Weather was very cold, rainy and the Priest was hungry. He said that, he had sent by Holy Sirius. We gave him hot place and food. Since that day he have been accepting and informing us about our future. This is already our kin's law. All must interested in their future and come to Great Priest's. From tomorrow you'll come too.

The son said nothing and his father continued his talking:

-I sacrificed your mother because of Great Priest. He had said that: "When you see the full moon you must sacrifice your wife to Holy Sirius". After that I thought about it during all day. But at the end I decided that, I must sacrifice your mother. Great Priest was right. In fact, I feel obligated myself to priest. I thought that, by that way my sins would be forgiven and I would pay off my debts too. In the evening I looked at the sky and I saw the full moon. "I mustn't late and tomorrow I'll sacrifice my wife". The next tomorrow I sacrificed your mother. The priest wasn't mistaken. Don't hesitate for Great Priest! When he is speaking with you, listen attentively!

The next day the member of the kin went to the forest and brought the wood. It wasn't be easy to go the forest and to climb to the mountain in such snowy weather, but he must do it. But he returned home safely as Priest's said...

When he opened the door he saw that his son lying on the floor covered in blood. He was shocked, threw the wood and run to near his son. The son squeezed the bloody knife solidly in his hand. He cut his throat...


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Qiymət: 9/10(7 səs)
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Aykan Hüseynli
Bakı Slavyan Universitetinin ingilis dili müəlliməliyi ixtisasını bitirmişəm. Yazı yazmağa həvəsim çoxdu. Amma biraz tənbəl olmağım bu işi reallaşdırmağıma mane olur. Əsasən hansısa əsəri tərcümə etməyi, qeyri-adi yerlər haqqında yazı yazmağı xoşlayıram..
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